Do you or your firm provide tax services to American Expats with Passive Foreign Investments?
As you know many of these Expats likely have Passive Foreign Investments (PFICs) which require filing the Form 8621. Tax and reporting rules for Passive Foreign Investment Company can be complicated and confusing. The form can also take hours to complete in fact the computation is so complex that none of the large commercial tax software programs currently perform the multi-level, convoluted math needed to complete the form.
American Expat Tax specializes in the preparation of the Form 8621 form for Expat Tax firms. In fact, our President , Mary Beth Lougen, knows them so well that she has spoken and written articles on the topic for publications like Bloomberg BNA.
We can prepare your Form 8621s for you. We will provide you with Form 8621 with all required statements ready to enter into your 1040 and finish your tax returns with confidence.
If you need more information let me know. My email is